Training in conflict resolution helps us to deepen our understanding of ourselves and others, promotes self-esteem (self-efficacy), and provides skills necessary for productive living. Integrating conflict-resolution training into the curriculum bridges academics and self-understanding. The effective resolution of conflict promotes growth in problem solving and thinking skills with an emphasis on the higher order skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. It values empathy and understanding in relationship building. Conflict resolution is a thread running through human experiences. The intent of this book is to enable students to internalize and transfer these skills into their daily lives.
There isn't a day that goes by that we don't feel the effects of conflict in our lives. Whether we read about it in the news, hear about it on the radio, watch it on television, or observe it first hand in our schools, conflict is a given in our lives. Imagine the power of tools that can be taught to and modeled for children that will give them the life skills they need to pursue their dreams safely and compassionately. There is a growing need in our nation's schools for an integrated program of conflict-resolution skills into the existing curriculum that will help students manage differences in effective, careful, thoughtful, and non-violent ways.
Goals / Objectives • To define the positive nature of conflict. • To learn conflict-resolution tools. • To apply conflict-resolution connections to curriculum. • To apply conflict-resolution connections to real-life, real-world situations. • To become effective negotiators. • To learn the steps of a mediation process. • To apply conflict-resolution skills to the problem-solving model(s) of negotiation and mediation. • To apply the mediation process to conflicts when making curricular connections and to the conflicts in the real world.
Grades 3–6.