Set of 8 Books
We have created this bundle of unique and creative products to help build logical thinking skills and promote creativity in your classroom. Don't miss this great opportunity!
The bundle includes...
Primarily Logic: Primarily Logic provides practice in various forms of logical thinking, including relationships, analogies, “all” and “no” statements, syllogisms, and deductive reasoning.
A Thinking Cat's Guide to Birds: A Thinking Cat's Guide to Birds Children develop and use higher-level thinking skills. A cartoon character and a bird theme are used as a vehicle for providing experiences in these skills.
I've Got Another Idea: I’ve Got Another Idea was designed to extend the creativity of your students and to provide them with opportunities to stretch their imaginations. The open-ended activities focus of the cognitive and affective pupil behaviors described in Frank E. Williams’ Model: fluent thinking, complexity, curiosity, and imagination. A summary of these behaviors is given on the following page.
Lollipop Logic: Book 1: What a tantalizing treat for young minds! Different thinking skills—relationships, analogies, sequences, deduction, inference, pattern decoding, and critical analysis—are presented in a format designed to appeal to the prereader. Visual and pictorial clues are used to introduce and reinforce high-powered thinking.
Brain Benders for Beginners: Open-ended activities allow children to demonstrate their true capabilities in many fields of knowledge, often in areas not traditionally valued in the school curriculum. These problems and teasers were designed to enhance children's thinking skils.
I Believe in Unicorns: Take your students on an imagination journey! Filled with thrilling activities that build creativity in your students, I Believe in Unicorns is a must have for teachers interested in encouraging imaginative thinking. Get an elephant down from a tree, build a monstrous (and odorous) "smelt," evaluate the job performance of an octopus who moonlights as a lifeguard, or remove a porcupine from your lunchbox! Activities like these will challenge your students' creativity and imagination.
The Thinking Bag: Children stretch their imaginations to create unusual and interesting ideas. The fun-filled activities will will help students develop important creative-thinking skills. They will learn to brainstorm to think of lots of ideas, to look at things from different points of view, to expand ideas, and to create unusual, inventive ideas.
Loosen Up: Here are great problems for your problem perfectionists! These drawing, cutting, and folding assignments are fun and non-threatening. Students build confidence as creative, original thinkers.
Order Number: G5617MX
Retail Price $105.65
Bundle Price: (25% Off) $79.99