A recent Governors’ Conference on Education stressed the need for problem solvers and ethical behaviors for the future of our society. To address these concerns and this issue in the school environment, I Want to Be Like was written. The work provides students with biographical sketches of exemplary individuals as well as direct and implied instruction in creative problem solving, research skills, and analysis of the thinking process. Students are also offered opportunities to transfer and apply ethical decision making to their own lives and the world in which they live.
What is a valuable human quality?
Over time individuals model these qualities. As a result of their behaviors and influence on their society, they affect change on society itself.
By exploring and understanding the positive effect exemplary individuals have had on their societies, students will begin to appreciate these qualities. Once they understand the quality and its role in society, students may be able to perceive and emulate that quality in their own world.
In order for students to effectively use I Want to Be Like, they should be familiar with 1) the purpose and function of each step of creative problem solving; 2) the purpose and function of each level of thinking according to Bloom’s Taxonomy; and 3) the purpose and function of each step of the research scheme.
Once students have been introduced to these concepts, direct instruction should take place to demonstrate the purpose and value of integrating these concepts. Realizing the importance of the combination of these skills, students will then be able to apply the procedure to the given biographical information and the questions and activities presented in this text.
Successful experiences with I Want to Be Like will encourage and enable students to transfer the integration of creative problem solving, thinking skills and research skills to other situations far beyond the scope of this book.
Download the Table of Contents page here.
Note: The information needed to research the material in this workbook is readily available in encyclopedias and in trade books found in most schools and public libraries.